Happy Medicare Advantage Couple

Medicare Advantage (Part C)

As you can see from the graph below, more than one half of all Medicare participants in 2025 are enrolled in some type of Advantage Plan (Medicare Part C), which has steadily increased over the past decade or so. The increased participation could be attributed to value-added benefits of most Advantage plans, such as eye care, hearing and built-in drug plans, however, the main reason could simply be financial. The average premium for a Medicare Advantage Plan with a built in drug plan is usually lower than that of Original Medicare in conjunction with a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Drug Plan. Lower premiums and extra benefits of most Advantage plans can be a huge deciding factor, especially for those on a fixed income.

There are a large number of Advantage plans offered throughout the U.S. For example, this year there are over 35 Advantage plans available for Knox County, TN alone. These plans can vary in cost and coverage from region to region and even county to county and therefore marketing of these plans is heavily regulated by the government. These plan’s details can not be discussed without first completing the mandatory compliance items set forth by CMS. This is best accomplished by a one on one needs analysis consultation as our commitment to keeping the customer’s best interest in mind is always paramount. We look forward to helping you if you are considering the Advantage Plan route!